An Improved YouTube Shortcode for Statiq

Published on Friday, 14 January 2022

A YouTube Shortcode

Q: Why would we need a shortcode for YouTube when one already exists in Statiq.Web?

A: The included one has several limitations, such as not allowing you to specify a start time.

The Code

For this approach, we build an iframe like the one you'd get via the share > embed option on the YouTube video.

public class YouTubeShortcode : SyncShortcode
    private const string Id = nameof(Id);
    private const string Width = nameof(Width);
    private const string Height = nameof(Height);
    private const string StartTime = nameof(StartTime);

    public override ShortcodeResult Execute(
        KeyValuePair<string, string>[] args,
        string content,
        IDocument document,
        IExecutionContext context)
        // The positional arguments
        var arguments = args.ToDictionary(Id);

        // The named arguments
        var width = arguments.GetInt(Width, 560);
        var height = arguments.GetInt(Height, 315);
        var startTime = arguments.GetInt(StartTime, 0);

        var div = new XElement("div", new XAttribute("class", "youtube"));
        var iframe = new XElement(
            new XAttribute("width", width),
            new XAttribute("height", height),
            new XAttribute("src", $"{arguments[Id]}?start={startTime}"),
            new XAttribute("title", "YouTube video player"),
            new XAttribute("frameborder", "0"),
            new XAttribute("allow", "accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"),
            new XAttribute("allowfullscreen", "")

        // It's very important to have this content within an iframe, otherwise
        // the element isn't properly terminated
        iframe.Add(new XText(""));


        return div.ToString();

Notes about the Code

Only the positional elements should be provided to the ToDictionary() extension method. Any named arguments will be added even though they are not listed here.

var arguments = args.ToDictionary(/* positional element list */);

Any named arguments should be retrieved as such, with a default provided.

var namedArgument = arguments.GetXXX(/* name */, /* default value */);

Properly Terminate an iframe

Adding the empty content to the iframe element is important otherwise we end up with an iframe that looks like:

<iframe ... />

When we want a properly terminated element that doesn't "eat" everything that follows it, like this:

<iframe ...></iframe>

The Shortcode


<?# YouTube dQw4w9WgXcQ Width=600 Height=337 StartTime=0 /?>


<div class="youtube">
    title="YouTube video player"
    allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="">

iframe embedded video: