Deploy the Statiq Blog to GitHub Pages

Published on Sunday, 16 January 2022

Let's Publish the Site

I'm publishing the blog to GitHub Pages for a few reasons:

  • Price: It's free
  • The source code lives there
  • GitHub Actions makes the CI/CD easy
  • Statiq supports it via a deploy parameter
  • They fit a dev focused blog



  • Use a single repository for the source and content
  • Use a GitHub Action to build and publish the static files to the gh-pages branch

Note: I chose to use the GITHUB_TOKEN provided by GitHub Actions, so I'm limited to pushing changes to the same repository where the Actions Workflow lives.

Push the Code to GitHub

GitHub Pages requires a user page to use <username> for the repository name, so that's what we'll do.

Note: Since I've already created a local repository, I just need to add a remote.

  1. Create a GitHub repo named
  2. Add the remote to the local repo:
git remote add origin
  1. Push the code:
git push -u origin main

Tell Statiq.Web where to Publish

Tell Statiq to publish the content to the gh-pages branch by adding these settings to settings.yaml:


GitHubOwner: nullforce
GitHubToken: "=> Config.FromSetting<string>(\"GITHUB_TOKEN\")"

Note: Statiq defaults to deploying to the gh-pages branch.

Note: You can provide a personal access token to Statiq to publish to a GitHub Pages repo from your local dev box.

GitHub Actions

We'll create a GitHub Action that builds our site whenever a push occurs on the main branch. Create the following deploy.yml file in the .github/workflows directory.


name: Deploy Site
    - main

    runs-on: windows-latest
    - uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
        dotnet-version: '6.0.101'
    - uses: actions/checkout@main
        submodules: recursive
    - run: dotnet run -- deploy
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Note: My repository is setup with permissive rights to the GITHUB_TOKEN, if yours isn't you may have to specify the permissions for the build job.

Tell GitHub not to Expect Jekyll

GitHub expects a Jekyll site and we need to tell it not to do so. Create an empty .nojekyll file in the input directory to tell GitHub we're not using Jekyll.



Push the changes to the remote repo and the GitHub Action should trigger and run dotnet run -- deploy. If everything was done correctly, we'll have a running site at https://<username>